men standing on a ladder outside a building

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning and Maintenance for Your Home

While spring is not quite here yet, it’s never too early to start thinking about what spring cleaning you might be interested in or what home improvements you can tackle. Depending on where you live, you might want to make certain weather-related preparations before a rainy or hot time of year, or you might have a lot of clutter that you’re ready to clean up. No matter what your reason, there’s no better way to prep for a busy year than to get your house in order with some spring cleaning. If you’re unsure where to get started, here are five tips for spring cleaning and maintenance for your home.

1. Clean your gutters.


Experts recommend checking your gutters at least twice a year to ensure that they’re maintained properly and repaired quickly in case of any problems or irregularities. Any debris could block water flow, and a clogged gutter can lead to water build-up and potentially serious property damage. One important thing to keep in mind is that your downspouts should always drain away from your home’s foundation; the build-up can cause leaks within the house and cause other serious problems down the line.

2. Make sure your air conditioner is in working order.


Spring cleaning is the perfect time for a spring tune-up for your air conditioner. Your HVAC system needs to be taken care of properly and kept in good shape if you want it to function properly all year long, and there’s no better excuse to have your filters cleaned and replaced and your HVAC system evaluated than spring cleaning. Dirty filters can cause your HVAC system to require even more power to function properly, which costs you money in the end. You’ll want your air conditioning unit to be ready for the hot summer, and proper maintenance is essential for any heating and cooling system.

3. Check the seals on windows and doors.


If you live somewhere with intense winter weather, the caulk and sealant on windows and doors around your house may have cracked over the course of the season. Look carefully at all the windows and doors in your home and replace any that are damaged. Not only can this help reduce your utility bills, but it also reduces the presence of both hot and cold drafts coming in from the outdoors. Caulking is usually a simple project; just make sure you do your research and purchase the right type.

4. Give your kitchen a facelift.


Have you been thinking about doing a little renovation in the kitchen? Not only do kitchen upgrades provide a major quality-of-life boost for the whole family, but they’ll also be a solid investment if you ever look to sell your house. Whether it’s adding some visual interest with a backsplash or some new cabinets or going all the way and upgrading appliances like the refrigerator and dishwasher, too, there are plenty of options at every price point for a kitchen update. Even if you don’t have a large space, there are plenty of creative design ideas for small kitchens. Look for any ideas that can help maximize your square footage’s efficiency, especially using creative cabinetry. Just because you have a small space doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty you can remodel and improve in a tiny kitchen.

5. Do some landscaping.


Spring is known for being the season for gardening, and a good reason. It’s the perfect time to plant some new flowerbeds, clear away any weeds, and make sure your grass is green and freshly cut. Depending on your yard’s size and the amount of landscaping you intend to do, consider hiring a professional to help with some of the more complicated parts of your plan. If you want to keep your investment more modest, there’s a whole world of gardening you can easily do yourself that will make a big difference in the way your yard looks.

While you shouldn’t feel pressured to get everything on your to-do list accomplished just because spring has arrived, the “spring cleaning” tradition provides an opportunity to make some progress on organizational projects and household upgrades you’ve been putting off. It’s the right time of year for anything from gardening to landscaping to a big renovation you’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Make a list a few months in advance and start planning your spring cleaning to-do list early, so you’ll be ready to get started once March rolls around.

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