remedial massage

What Is a Remedial Massage?

A remedial massage is a personalized form of massage therapy used in preventive, corrective, and rehabilitative therapies to assess and treat pain. A highly trained massage therapist will identify problem areas and use a variety of massage techniques to repair damaged tissue. Remedial massages are often used in integrative treatment plans to treat chronic pain, sports injuries, nerve pain, and many other ailments.

What can you expect?

Your remedial massage will begin with your massage therapist assessing your needs and going over your treatment options. Whether you’re suffering from nerve pain, headaches, or general discomfort and body pains, a trained remedial therapist will be able to find the root of the problem. Once they detect problem areas, your massage therapist will work to repair it and speed up the healing process through different methods.

Massage techniques that may be used:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Essential oils and lotions
  • Myofascial release
  • Thermal therapy
  • Sports massage
  • Cupping
  • Corrective stretches
  • Dry needling

The remedial therapist will work with your comfort level to develop a holistic treatment plan that suits your needs. Deep tissue and trigger point therapies can be uncomfortable at first but promote healing in damaged tissue. Your massage therapist will identify pain triggers and apply pressure to the trigger points. After the first time, you may be a little sore the next day — but with regular massage, that tends to go away.

Who is it for?


If you have a chronic pain condition, nerve damage, or a muscular injury, you can benefit from remedial massage and massage therapy in general. It is a particularly effective treatment for the following ailments:

  • Nerve pain and nerve damage
  • Arthritis
  • Sports or dance injuries
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Muscle cramps
  • Headaches
  • Whiplash
  • Fibrositis
  • Sciatic pain

Talk with your health care practitioner and see if incorporating massage therapy into your treatment is a good idea for you. It may even be covered in your health insurance.

What are the benefits?


Since it is highly personalized, individual results vary based on your specific injury or medical condition. Overall, the benefits of remedial massage include:

  • Pain relief
  • Reduced nerve damage
  • Improved nerve control
  • Reduced joint inflammation
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved circulation and blood flow

Massage therapy can also help in general with combating depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Most people feel physical results right away, but those with more serious chronic pain conditions may need several sessions to start repairing nerve damage.

What is integrative treatment?

Some injuries and central nervous system conditions require integrative treatment, which simply means multiple modes of treatment are used. If you have a sports injury, remedial massage will probably be used in conjunction with physical therapy and possibly corrective surgery. Neuropathic pain can be difficult to treat as regular pain killers are unavailing, but integrative treatment is an effective solution.

In the case of nerve control, incorporating a dietary supplement like nervecontrol 911 into your treatment may help. This “bottle of nerve control” contains passionflower, marshmallow root, prickly pear, and other natural ingredients that support your central nervous system. The natural formula can help improve nerve control and reduce inflammation, anxiety, blood pressure, and insomnia. Combined with massage, holistic treatment can vastly improve your quality of life and overall wellness.

The human body is a complicated organism, but massage therapists have a deep understanding of how it works and how to provide pain relief. Including remedial massage, vitamins, and supplements in an integrative treatment plan is a good idea if you suffer from any of the chronic illnesses or injuries mentioned above. Side effects of massage may include extreme relaxation and a good night’s sleep.

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