a young girl looking at a tablet

Should You Buy Your Child an iPad for Christmas?

As Christmas gets closer, it’s time to think about what to get your kids for the holidays. Technology can be a tricky purchase for certain children and you might not be sure if you should get your child that iPad he/she asked for. Here are the pros and cons of buying your child technology for Christmas.  


Pro: They Won’t Feel Left Out


Sometimes, our kids ask for technology because it’s what their friends have. If your son or daughter comes home from school or a sleepover and asks for an iPad, it’s probably because he or she saw a friend using it and wants to have the same experience. By purchasing your child the technology they’re looking for, you help them stay up-to-date and included. Peer pressure can be crushing for kids and helping them fit in will give them the confidence to say “no” to their peers when the issues really matter. You want to give your kids every advantage possible, so why not buy them something that makes them happy?  


Photo Credit: Pexels


Con: It Can Make Them Less Healthy 


Unfortunately, kids who spend a lot of time using technology can become unhealthy. Because they’re often sitting using their iPad or laptop, they’re less active. They might also feel more inclined to snack while using their devices, which can result in unhealthy weight gain. Kids need to stay active to stay healthy, and buying your child technology for Christmas might encourage inactivity. You might want to buy your older kids surfing lesson training instead—though there’s no reason you can’t buy a piece of technology and an activity-driven gift. 


Photo Credit: Michael Morse from Pexels


Pro: It Can Provide Huge Mental Benefits


The apps and games that your child can use on the iPad can greatly boost his or her cognitive functions. When your kid plays an educational game using technology, they learn how to problem-solve and digital skills. These digital skills will make a huge difference as they grow up, and often digital apps or games can teach kids more than traditional games. Plus, since your child wants to use technology, he or she will be more engaged with what they’re doing than if they were just coloring or playing a board game. Trying to get your child to focus can be a huge battle, so having something that keeps them occupied is huge, especially when it’s boosting their mental health. 


Photo Credit: Drew Rae from Pexels


Con: With Technology Comes Other Problems


Of course, it’s not as simple as just buying your child an iPad. You also have to consider the data for the iPad or the strength of your internet provider. Adding more technology to your home network might slow it down. You should compare Internet plans with iSelect and figure out which plan would support the tech that’s on your network. You don’t want to give your child a digital gift and then they find out they can’t use it because your WiFi is down. You might also find that your gift of technology results in other, unanticipated gifts. Your kid might love to play a certain game and frequently ask you for money for in-app purchases. Also, your child might decide they’re sick of their iPad by March and ask you for the newer version. Technology is always changing and it can be costly to stay up on the latest gadgets. 


Photo Credit: Pexels


Ultimately, the age and personality of your child will factor into your choice to buy him or her technology for Christmas. Consider every pro and con of buying whatever item your kid wants and make an informed decision. Gift giving is complicated and there is no wrong decision as long as you and your child are happy. 



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