a bed with a white comforter

A Clutter-Free Bedroom Equals a Clutter-Free Mind

Are you over-attached to things you no longer need? Is your room filled to the brim with boxes, papers, and things you don’t even remember you owned? If the answer is yes, you’re likely a hoarder, and that’s not a good thing.


A bedroom should be a no-stress zone, not a place where your free space and peace are compromised by the clothes and trinkets you’ve thrown around. And there’s more: a messy bedroom contributes to stress, anxiety, and bad family relationships.


You’d be surprised by the power of an organized room for your mental health. Read on to learn more about why less clutter is better for your peace of mind.


Less clutter, less stress


Having too much stuff makes it hard to find what you need when you need it. In fact, researchers have learned that an overabundance of possessions can increase cortisol levels throughout the day, even in times when this stress hormone should drop.


It’s clear why that happens: after a long day of work, no one wants to come home to a mess that just adds more work to an already busy day. In addition, having to fumble for your clothes every morning and leaving your closet upside down doesn’t help you start the day off right.

If a lack of time is keeping you on edge, know that getting rid of clutter could save you 60 minutes a day. By tidying up, you’ll have just the right amount of free time to relax and do what matters most to you.


A clutter-free environment brings joy


Take a look at your surroundings. Even if there’s no clutter visible, you might want to take an afternoon off to declutter wardrobes, drawers, shelves, and other areas that might need work. However, remember that cleaning up shouldn’t be just about having more storage space or making everything look presentable. It should be related to owning what makes you happy —nothing more, nothing less.


Check the entire room for items that bring heavy energy into the room. These include broken objects, memories of people you dislike, and again, things you no longer use or need. This will give you a sense of ownership of your items and a feeling of happiness, as there’s a powerful psychology behind cleanliness.


The right way to organize your stuff


The KonMari decluttering method created by organizing consultant Marie Kondo has become popular both as a book and as a TV show. The reason for its acclaim is an innovative concept of tidying up: you’ll do it by respecting the feelings of your clothes, books, and every item you own. In turn, you’ll live a simpler and joyful life.

Of course, you can organize your room as you wish. But if you’d rather use a holistic approach to reorder your clothes, for example, try this:


Put your clothes in a pile. All of them —your work clothes, party dresses, western apparel, swimwear, and everything in between. Regardless of what you wear, put everything in one place and carefully select only those pieces you need to keep. When doing this, remember there’s a big difference between wanting and needing something.


Fold your clothes vertically in drawers so it’s easier for you to find them and they won’t crease easily. If there’s no mess, they’re in a happier place.  


Hang only a few essential items. This way, there’ll be more breathing space and you’ll find what you need without stress.


What to do with the clothes you won’t wear? Donate them! Giving to people in need will add more joy to your positive decluttering experience.


By thoughtfully organizing your room (and later doing the same to different rooms), you’ll see how much easier cleaning will become. When a room feels and looks lighter, so does your mind. 


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