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5 Common Issues Young Children Experience and How to Help

All children are born with a unique set of personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and potential. Many kids experience challenges as they grow up and, as parents, it’s our responsibility to help them through their tough moments and celebrate their successes alongside them. Here are five common challenges that your child may experience, as well as some ways of helping them work through them.

1. Defiance

The first thing you might encounter with your child is defiant behavior. This can feel so challenging to manage. Defiance comes in many forms. Sometimes they may simply ignore you, or they may yell out a loud, “No!” in response to your questions or requests. This impulse in young children is common even if it’s not the easiest to de-escalate. You can try reasking your question, or you can give them a warning. This warning might be limited screen time on their kid-friendly tablet or TV. It’s helpful to stay calm, difficult though this may be. Either way, remember to stay strong and use the same response techniques to help your child understand that this behavior is not accepted.

2. Attention Deficit Disorder

Another common issue many children struggle with is ADHD. ADHD is short for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and it is quite common in young children. The CDC reports that nearly 4 and a half million children ages 2-11 have ADHD in the United States. With this many children of all ages affected, it’s important to know the symptoms of ADHD to look out for. This way, you can help your child get help early.

Symptoms of ADHD range from impulsivity, hyperactivity, and lack of concentration. However, these are not one size fits all symptoms. Since it can be challenging to diagnose and spot ADHD, you should consider enlisting the help of an ADHD therapist. The therapists and child psychologists at the Ross Center help young children with managing symptoms. They can also recommend ADHD medication or other specialist therapies for effective treatment. Remember, early intervention is key to getting your child critical help to learn how to manage and treat their ADHD.

3. Fear and Anxiety

Many young children struggle with anxiety and fear in their everyday lives. Your child might feel separation anxiety when you’re away. Some kids also have specific fears like dogs or clowns. Another thing that commonly makes children anxious is starting new routines. For example, their first week of school can be especially difficult. On the bright side, your child will adjust. However, if they are still struggling with panic and anxiety you can take your child to counsel for professional help.

4. Hearing Loss

Though it may seem surprising, hearing loss is more common than you would think. Statistics report that two to three children out of every 1,000 have some form of hearing loss. It’s critical to ensure your child has quality hearing because it’s important to the development of their language and social skills. Newborn hearing screenings are usually performed before leaving the hospital. This diagnostic testing can tell you if they need treatment or pediatric audiology assistance. The expert pediatric audiologist at Hearing Health USA can work to manage and better your child’s hearing while evaluating the best treatment option for your child’s specific needs.

5. Low Self-Esteem

One final issue that young children deal with as they grow older is a lack of self-esteem. Your child’s behavior and emotional state will change as they begin reaching young adulthood. They may feel less confident about who they are. Your job as a parent with this issue is to show compassion to your child. If they have negative thoughts about themselves encourage them to speak openly and remember to listen and keep an open mind. Young adulthood can be a hard time, and it’s important that they know you’re there for them unconditionally. Remember to be there for your child throughout all of life’s challenges, and don’t forget to enlist the help of professionals if these feelings persist.

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